Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Come As You Are

See, I have this theory about why a lot of really good independent bands never feel the need to stop in Florida when they choose to tour nationally. My theory has to do with the geography, really, and whether or not such a trip would be financially lucrative for said band. Any band that is currently touring to make some money (and that usually equates to every band that is currently touring, period) usually finds that traveling all the way to Florida would cost them more against the potential ticket and merchandise sales they would make if they came through and played the show.

Furthermore, not only are Floridian indie/punk-lovers trapped on the dick of America, wishing they could one day be in the same shitty bar as their favorite bands, but it is understandable that those bands probably don't want to get here by plowing through a Bible Belt that might not seem to take too kindly to their loud and unorthodox noise.

I think about this when I think about a conversation I had with Dan Peters, drummer for Mudhoney, when I asked him, when Mudhoney played at BackBooth in Orlando in June 2008, when the last time Mudhoney had come to Florida to play a show.

Somewhere around 1993 was what he had told me. That was fifteen years ago, at the time, and before the suicide of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain.

After I think about that, I think about one of my favorite independent bands of all time, the one in the YouTube link at the top of this posting: Rasputina. And it makes me want them to come to Florida in the near future. Or now. Please.

I love them.

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